Tuesday, February 1, 2011

EPA And Climate Change

Climate Change In The New.

The United Nations and Van Jones says Cap and Trade is a fraud. Then why is the EPA still pushing Cap and Trade rules in Califonia, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, West Virginia, New Mexico, and Wyoming? Or do these states want this to happen?

OK, Texas is fighting back. EPA has declared "Texas unfit to regulate its own greenhouse gasses and has superseded Texas's air quality rules." (unconstitutional) Texas has a legal team fighting Obamacare and The EPA. West Virginia is working on Tenth Amendment legislation to push back against the Cap and Trade rules. Incoming Governor Martinez passes an executive order stripping the states Enviromental Improvement Board of its powers to dictate policy decisions, "turning the EIB strictly into an advisory board. Some good news. Hopefully, the trend continues to grow in each state.

Also, GOP Congressman have a history of supporting Global Warming/Climate Change/Cap and Trade legislation (A United Nations Agenda.....an unelected agency). Democrats are not the only ones on the hook here. It is an unfortunate truth. Lets take a look at past and present Representatives who supported climate change legislation; Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, John Mccain, Newt Gingrich, Lindsey Graham, Leonard Lance, and Fred Upton.

Republican Leonard Lance, this week, has been selected by the new Congress to sit on the the Energy Commerce Committee and The Appropriations Committee. He is a huge supporter of Cap and Trade.

The GOP say they will push back against the EPA and are against Cap and Trade....we will see...history tells us differently.

Video Of The Week

Van Jones Reveals Green Strategy Is All Pretend

The United Nations Admits Cap And Trade Is A Fraud

Articles Of The Week

Green Skeletons In GOP Closet

Can A State Bypass The EPA

EPA Texas Go To War Over Carbon Emissions Rules

Texas Conservative Legal Team From Obamacare Now Fights The EPA

The Federal Courts Denies Stay In Texas For EPA Case

Dear House Republicans: This Is Unacceptable

Climate Change In The News

House GOP Eliminating Climate Change Committee

The Midwest Wind Surtax

Incoming GOP To Pushback against EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions On The States

Napolitano Says Department Of Homeland Security Battling Climate Change

EPA Moving Unilaterally To Limit Greenhouse Gases

Agenda 21

The Debate Over Greenhouse Gas And Cap And Trade

United Nations Support for Climate Change

Greenhouse Gas News

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