Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Jersey And Climate Change

Cap and Trade is the new source of revenue in the northeastern states, called RGGI. Below is Cap and Trade legislation in the state of New Jersey implemented by former Governor Jon Corzine in 2008. New Jersey fines and fees companies to decrease carbon emissions under the "name" of Global Warming as a revenue source, then works with investors to invest in carbon emissions trading and auctions that go into supposable Green Funds. This new type of trading was used recently to help close a budget gap in New Jersey. Do you find this interesting? This is only part of why Cap and Trade was created. The information in the links below will give more detail. There was a time when only tax revenue balanced the budget in the states. Are the legislators in New Jersey over spending then using the "Global Climate Change scheme" to create new state revenue for their own pet projects instead of just balancing the budget? Do the people in New Jesery understand how businesses and individuals are effected by the adoption of this legislation? I hope so.

There is another reason to look at New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie is the new Republican national icon. He has brought national attention to Former Governor Jon Corzine's role in the budget crisis as well as "shined a light" on union organizations in the state. But, what of his other policies? Is he for Cap and Trade? Or will he work to repeal Cap and Trade?

Governor Chris Christie, all eyes are on New Jersey.

Below are four specific pieces of information for your review and other news:
1. A letter to a senator addressing concerns of RGGI. This letter has been made public on Congress.org.

2. Legislation to repeal Cap and Trade (S2250).

3. A Letter To Your State Assemblyman To Cosponsor A3147.

4. An article written by a citizen of New Jersey who is not a fan of Chris Christie. It is worth a look. (A disappointing article)

What is happening with Cap and Trade in your state? http://agenda21library.co.cc/

Politics In The News

Dem. Jan Schakowsky vs Rep. Joel Pollack in Illinois

Barbara Boxers in CA, Code Pink, Fallujah

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Articles Of The Week

A Letter To A Senator addressing concerns on RGGI/Cap and Trade in New Jersey

Repeal Bill S2250 RGGI/Cap and Trade in New Jersey

A Letter To Your State Assemblyman To CoSponsor A3147

RGGI/Cap And Trade implemented Under John Corzine

Cap and Trade In The News

Phil Kerpen New Jersey Cap and Trade Battleground On Global Warming

Proof Is In The Pudding - RGGI/Cap and Trade
(An Online Magazine For Cap and Trade)

New Jersey Makes Money in $10 Million Cap and Trade Auction

Gov. Chris Christie To Use Cap And Trade To Cover Budget Gap In State

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